Building Microinsurance Capacities for Greater Inclusion Program – Phase III (Citi Project Phase III)

Posted on June 30, 2022July 18, 2022Categories Sambayanihan Activities, Sambayanihan Activity for Members   Leave a comment on Building Microinsurance Capacities for Greater Inclusion Program – Phase III (Citi Project Phase III)

TSPI MBAI in partnership with the Microinsurance MBA Association of the Philippines, Inc. (MiMAP) and the Citi Foundation, provided trainings and materials to the MBA Advocates (Senior Insurance Officers, Insurance Officers and TSPI NGO field staff i.e. Senior Account Officers and Account Officers).  The aim of the program is to address challenges regarding operational inefficiencies and inadequate microinsurance education.  Aside from the training our field personnel, CITI Foundation also provided 250 copies of training material and other visual aids.  These … Continue reading “Building Microinsurance Capacities for Greater Inclusion Program – Phase III (Citi Project Phase III)”

TSPI Expands its Discipleship Initiative

Posted on June 30, 2022July 18, 2022Categories Sambayanihan Activities, Sambayanihan Activity for Members   Leave a comment on TSPI Expands its Discipleship Initiative

Luke 4:18, ““The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” TSPI’s Discipleship Program was designed to help TSPI MBAI members grow and deepen their relationship with God and their fellow brethren. It encourages TSPI MBAI members to … Continue reading “TSPI Expands its Discipleship Initiative”

Urban Gulayan

Posted on October 5, 2021July 18, 2022Categories Sambayanihan Activities, Sambayanihan Activity for Members

Dubbed as “Ahon Lahat, Pagkaing Sapat Kontra Covid – 19 (ALPAS COVID -19)”, it created awareness on food security among urban households and promoted healthy diet by making nutritious food readily available.  More so, it encouraged community sharing during harvest or provided additional income for those with big enough space that can produced enough vegetables for selling. An online “Training on Urban Vegetable Gardening” was conducted last October 23, 2020 by DA-BPI.  On November 6, the DA – BPI team … Continue reading “Urban Gulayan”

Capacity Building for Employees

Posted on October 5, 2021July 18, 2022Categories Sambayanihan Activities, Sambayanihan Activity for Employee

The Covid-19 pandemic also changed affected work arrangement and employee development. Like other organizations, TSPI MBAI offered WFH arrangement and maximized the use of on-line learning sessions in retooling employees aimed at improving processes and efficiency in operations. All TSPI MBAI staff attended different on-line courses offered by Tulay sa Pag-unlad, Inc. (A Mircofinance NGO) and the Microinsurance MBA Association of the Philippines, Inc. (MiMAP). In summary, TSPI Sambayanihan culture and TSPI Sama-samang Responsibilidad (joint responsibility) culture among members and … Continue reading “Capacity Building for Employees”

Alalay Sa Kalamidad

Posted on October 5, 2021July 18, 2022Categories Sambayanihan Activities, Sambayanihan Activity for Members

Last November 2020, two super typhoons struck the country. Typhoon Rolly (international name Goni) has been the strongest tropical cyclone but Typhoon Ulysses (international name Vamco) had the worse impact causing the worst flooding in the National Capital Region and the Cagayan Valley Region.    To help 532 severely affected members and Kapamilya, P266,000 worth of relief goods were distributed.  Beneficiaries came from the following branches: South Region affected by typhoon Rolly: Ligao, Tabaco, Labo, Pil (Province of Bicol) and … Continue reading “Alalay Sa Kalamidad”

Covid-19 Health Protection Program

Posted on October 1, 2021July 18, 2022Categories Sambayanihan Activities, Sambayanihan Activity for Members   Leave a comment on Covid-19 Health Protection Program

To help the government in its information drive on COVID -19, TSPI MBAI launched the Covid-19 Health Protection Program. The objective of this program was to establish a new set of habits, routine and practices aimed at preventing the transmission of the virus. This was achieved by providing members with essential items (face masks, soap, alcohol, disinfectant) needed during the COVID pandemic and massive information campaign on COVID 19 on how to prevent the spread of the virus. Each item … Continue reading “Covid-19 Health Protection Program”

Basic Life Insurance Plan (BLIP) Renewal at No Cost

Posted on October 1, 2021July 18, 2022Categories Sambayanihan Activities, Sambayanihan Activity for Members   Leave a comment on Basic Life Insurance Plan (BLIP) Renewal at No Cost

As a compassionate response to our members whose livelihood were severely affected by the pandemic, the Association was able to secure the approval of the Insurance Commission to provide our BLIP Renewal at no cost for CY 2020. This was to ensure that each member will have active Basic Life Insurance during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Aside from members being insured for one year, they also get P120 equity value.  BLIP is the mandatory life insurance plan of the Association with … Continue reading “Basic Life Insurance Plan (BLIP) Renewal at No Cost”

Kumustahan Program

Posted on October 1, 2021July 18, 2022Categories Sambayanihan Activities, Sambayanihan Activity for Members   Leave a comment on Kumustahan Program

During the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was an upsurge in the use of social media. To maintain responsible contact with clients and disseminate information on how to cope with COVID-19 conditions, we immediately launched our Kamustahan Program. Insurance Officers continued to touch base with our members via SMS or FB Chat Groups. TSPI Facebook Page posted timely information, TSPI and government announcements, health and safety campaign, Bible verses and kwentong tagumpay to provide awareness & encouragement to our … Continue reading “Kumustahan Program”

TSPI MBAI Distributed Masks, Alcohol and Alcohol to Branches

Posted on January 21, 2021July 18, 2022Categories Sambayanihan Activities, Sambayanihan Activity for Members   Leave a comment on TSPI MBAI Distributed Masks, Alcohol and Alcohol to Branches

Sambayanihan Project: TSPI MBAI Distributed Masks, Alcohol and Alcohol to Branches  Under the Sambayanihan Project, the TSPI Mutual Benefit Association Inc. (TSPI MBAI) extended support to TSPI clients and kapamilya through its “Covid-19 Health Protection Program”. It consisted of information campaign on health and safety and distribution of hygiene supplies to clients. The information campaign was delivered through the television in the branches and TSPI Facebook Page. The hygiene supplies were distributed to clients through TSPI branches. A total of … Continue reading “TSPI MBAI Distributed Masks, Alcohol and Alcohol to Branches”

Serbisyong Segurado

Posted on September 3, 2020July 18, 2022Categories Sambayanihan Activities, Sambayanihan Activity for Members   Leave a comment on Serbisyong Segurado

TSPI-SSS partnership brought the SSS services closer to the TSPI clients. The on-site   registration spared TSPI members the stress and hassle of having to go to an SSS office, queue and wait for the procedure to be completed. SSS staff even assisted TSPI members in filling out forms properly. This would ensure smooth and timely processing of claims in the future. TSPI-SSS partnership brought the SSS services closer to the TSPI clients. The on-site   registration spared TSPI members the stress … Continue reading “Serbisyong Segurado”